8:00 Start with 17:30 (5:30pm) Return

11.2 miles (18km) with 3133ft (955m)Total Ascent.
Leaving Torver we head north through disused quarries then north west passing waterfalls to join Walna Scar Road (note stone shelter on way)for the ascent of Brown Pike & Buck Pike. We then follow the ridge to the summit of Dow Crag (airy & exposed ) with great views down to Goats Water. We descend to Goats Hawse then take an obvious path to the summit of Coniston Old Man from where Dow Crag looks even more stunning and, on a clear day, the Isle of Man is visible.
Following the escarpment to Brim Fell then down to Levers Hawse we go up Swirl Band to Swirl How. Descending Prison Band we reach the col and go via Keld Gill Head to Wetherlam with a wonderful panorama from the Scafells right round to High Street. We descend via Lower Hows & Red Gill Head and eventually Miners Bridge back to Coniston.

8miles (12.9km) with 2300ft (701m) Ascent.
We leave the coach at Torver and start a gradual ascent to the Walna Scar Road passing a disused quarry on the way. We then ascend the Walna Scar Road leaving it at the col and after a steep climb to Brown Pike follow the ridge to Buck Pike and on to Dow Crag.
Hopefully we should have good views of Coniston and the surrounding fells. We then make a steep descent to Goats Water then a more gradual path brings us back to the Walna Scar Road which we follow to Coniston passing Boo Tarn on the way.

10½ miles (16.9km) with 400ft (122m) Ascent.
From the car park in Coniston we make our way to Bowmanstead then on to Park Coppice. From here we go to Hoathwaite Farm and then Bracken Barrow Farm – the highest point of the walk.
We now have a choice: either to go into Torver for toilets, coffee or a pint or to carry straight on to Moor Farm. We continue to Mill Bridge and out onto Torver Common before returning, along the lake shore path, to Coniston where the coaches (and hostelries) await.

6 miles (9.7km) with 450ft (137m) Ascent.
Starting from Coniston we make our way to Haws Bank on the A593. From this point we break off south west, and follow well marked tracks that take us gradually uphill towards Torver Beck. During this part of the walk we are afforded fine views of Coniston Water.
In due course we arrive at Torver Beck, having completed all our climbing for the day. We now commence our descent, initially along the side of Torver Beck, eventually moving away from the beck to emerge once again on the A593, at Little Arrow. A short walk along the disused railway takes us to the path that leads through Torver Common Wood and down to Coniston Water. Our walk continues alongside the lake, eventually returning us to the finish at Coniston.