A Walk - Whernside with Graham Hogg
11 miles (17.7km) with 2300ft (700m) Total Ascent
We leave Dent village heading in a south-easterly direction along the Dales Way to Bridge End. From here we follow Dyke Hall Lane for a short distance until joining the Craven Way.
The track climbs steeply at first, passing Birk Pot and Tough Hill but the gradient becomes easier for a while towards “Boot of the Wold”.
At Duncan Sike Head we begin the ascent towards Knoutberry Hill and the summit of Whernside at 736 metres. After a well earned rest and hopefully some fine views across to Ingleborough we descend to the Kingsdale — Deepdale Road.
Thankfully, we have only a short stretch on the road before we descend again to Deepdale Head and then follow easy paths down the valley back to Dent.
B+ Walk - Great Coum via Crag Hill with Meriel Nutter
10 miles (16km) with 2000ft (610m) Total Ascent
Leaving the coach at Dent
Take the road opposite car park leading to the track up Flinter Gill. Look out for the wishing tree. The barn near the top used to be full of agricultural artefacts but wasn't open when I did the recce. Turn right, west, along the drovers rd for 500m then north through a gate and up an enclosed track which opens out at Blea Rigg. We'll probably have 'bagging' here before following the remaining wall up, very steep at times so don't eat too much, to ridge between Crag Hill and Great Coum.
Those who wish can do a short out and back to the Trig point on Crag Hill, no trig on Great Coum although it's a bit higher. We may have lunch here or just after top of Great Coum. It's East to summit of Great Coum again following a wall, lots of 'handrails' on this walk. Turn south past Gatty pike, a great lunch spot if we can wait. continue down ridge past the County Stone dropping left through potentially boggy and very rough pasture to join the drovers track, Occupation Rd. We can't cross onto it immediately unfortunately so plod through the pasture which is very rough along the wall to the left to a gate where finally we can get on the track continuing to Nun House Outrake where we drop to a minor Rd and the path past Scow which leads to Bridge End and the Dales Way which we follow into Dent.
B Walk - River Wharfe with Dorothy Dobson
7½ miles (12km) with 1100ft (335m) Total Ascent
Welcome back everyone! This is a suitable walk to ease you all in if you haven´t climbed for a while as the first two miles are flat as we follow the banks of the River Wharfe.
We cross a country Lane to take a short incline to Dillicar before continuing to Raw Bank. Here we begin a steady climb along good paths to Combe House before having panoramic views of the Howgills and beyond. After crossing a road we take a wide undulating track for a while to reach Flinters Gill. There is now along descent and care should be taken as there are loose stones and may be slippery, before reaching Dent and the car park straight ahead.
C Walk - Barth Bridge & The Dales Way with Margaret & Bob
6.2 miles (10km) with 415ft (128m) Total Ascent
The walk starts from Dent car park (toilets available). Turning left from the car park we go past the church and take the road across the River Dee before turning left into Hall Lane, the narrow road on the north side of the river. We now walk along the road as far as Low Hall. Leaving the road we climb to High Hall and then follow the path through the fields on a gentle climb, as we admire the view across the valley, on our way to Hacra. Next it's down hill to Hole House where we take the path across the fields to Kitty Barn and onto the road. A very short road walk is needed to pick up the riverside path leading to Ellers. Here we cross the footbridge and follow the Dales Way back to Barth Bridge.
At Barth Bridge we can decide whether to continue on the easier Dales Way riverside path back to Dent. Or take the path which climbs (a bit of effort will be needed) up to Gawthrope, for a slightly longer route across more fields, with good views across the valley, before descending to the road and the final few steps back to the car park. Then it's refreshments time before the trip home.
NB. While the majority of the paths are easily walked and the stiles are in good condition. Some parts of the paths will require more care due to some uneven surfaces and long grass. Hopefully all the long grass will either have been cut or died back by time we do the walk.